Friday, December 6, 2013

Its Been Awhile...

Hello fellow book bloggers! I did not realize how long it has been since I've posted but life became crazy and other events demanded my attention.
My mom, who was in perfect health as far as we knew, experienced a brain aneurysm out of the blue. It was very sudden, with no warnings at all. I will spare you the details, but she passed away a week later.
My mom was my best friend. I told her everything and she was always there to listen and encourage me. She is very special to me and I think about her every single day.
Now its just my dad and I to keep the household going. We both work full-time and have a dog and cat to take care of. These past few months have really opened my eyes to how fast life can change and how even though something terrible has happened to you, life just keeps on going and you have to keep up.
I have always wanted to write a young adult novel, I just never felt confident enough to do so. I felt that my writing wasn't very good and I didn't have what it takes to succeed. However, with all of these strong emotions I am feeling, I finally think that I can write a decent novel.
I would love any words of advice, encouragement or even just a friendly word as I go on this new journey and dive back into the world of writing.
In the meantime, I will be reading and finally posting reviews again. I have missed reading dearly and it feels good to throw myself into the lives of fictional characters again.

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